
...what to say of you and I.
I think it has always been just
.......and me.
...chasms bound by spoken vow
a distance ocean vast.
drifting by in silence,
one grey cloud veil slips by another.
...it leaves you alone...ly and I as well.
not by fault yours or mine,
just two crashing waves collide.
...and you, pulled down by tides and current,
choking under the weight of it all.
...and I am sorry.
...do you think of it too?
does your mind wander
in that hot mornings traffic haze?
...i don't know...you never say...never share.
You never share you...so I don't know.
I think we're both weary,
...just so tired from it all.
...so turn away, head down your distance lane.
while I in silence pass by you again.

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