Dangling lightbulb

This space...cold.
so bone chill bare.

i lay coiled in fetal curl,

under its blinding glare.

Dangling interrogation swaying too and fro

...imprisoned in this pain, fear is everywhere.

...faces & spaces spinning all around.

this blur of shapes and roaring sound.

i close my eyes, and squeeze them tight.

just to rid this room of light.

Memories...or the lack there of.

I don't remember being nine or eight

or six or three.

and i do not remember that house, a room

the space made just for me.

i don't remember tabernacles or dorms

nor the school yard playground forms.

I only recall feelings so sad

being constantly frightened

that I'd make them mad.

1 comment:

Cairn Grow said...

This is a poem that speaks to me and for me. beautiful, sad... Cairn